Day 1 Search and Rescue Luke 15:3-7; Matthew 28:16-20

“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” Luke 15:4

Orienteering is a map-reading exercise that originated in the United Kingdom and eventually spread to the West. During an expedition with our outdoor adventure organization, participants learn to read a compass and a topographical map and are placed into “search and rescue” teams. They are told there are hikers who are injured or lost and need to be rescued. “Injured hikers” are represented by bandanas tied to branches. The goal is to read the map, use the compass to find the hikers/bandanas, and lead them to safety.

As Christians we know the one way that leads to true life, and that is Jesus Christ. We get to share the hope of His sacrifice with those in our lives and “lead them to safety” in Jesus! In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells His followers to “make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

As you think about your own circle of influence, who are the ones God has placed in your life? How can you show them the love of Christ and lead them to Him?

Insight: Pray for these specific people in your life and ask that God would help you turn your conversations with them to the gospel.

Day 2 The Only Bridge Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5; Ephesians 2:8-9

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

In the Grand Canyon in Arizona, the corridor trails run north to south, and the Colorado River there runs east to west. It is impossible to cross the canyon without crossing the Colorado River. You need a bridge.

You might say the same is true in our quest for heaven or eternal life with God. There is only one way to get there. Good deeds will not get you across. Wealth or even knowledge is not enough. Our own attempts will miss the mark every time. The bridge to get you there comes only by grace through faith in Jesus. Jesus is the bridge!

It can be intimidating to speak to someone about this truth. Our culture pressures us to keep our beliefs to ourselves. Sometimes we are hesitant because we don’t know how a friend or stranger will react. But let’s not be silent in sharing the hope that we have. There is nothing more important we could talk about than this! Romans 10:17 reminds us that “faith comes by hearing.” There is someone the Lord has placed in your life who is only going to hear if you share it with them.

Insight: Have you stepped across the bridge by faith? If so, who are you leading across the bridge?

Day 3 Under His Protection Psalm 91:1-16; Exodus 14:13-14

“I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’… He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you find refuge.” Psalm 91:2, 4

One of our outdoor adventure groups recently traveled to the Grand Canyon and hiked the south Kaibab trail. As with every expedition, we try to be as equipped as possible. But there are always things you just can’t prepare for! On this particular day, a family with small children hiked with us. As we were rounding up the south rim, it began to hail. The group immediately huddled beneath a large tree to seek shelter from the pelting hail. Within a matter of seconds, the father of the children pulled out an emergency blanket from his pack and the adults held up the blanket to protect the children.

Their father did something for them they couldn’t do for themselves. The psalmist in Psalm 91 declares that the Lord “is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” Not only is He the One whom we run to for shelter, but He does what we cannot!

As human beings, we want to solve the problem and be the one who has the right answer. But our limited abilities pale in comparison to God’s power and His matchless wisdom.

Insight: What do you or your loved ones need His protection or power for today? Confess any attempts of your own and trust in His ability.

Day 4 Fix Your Gaze Hebrews 12:1-4

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross.” Hebrews 12:1-2

The culture we live in attempts to distract us in a number of ways. Something is always pulling for our attention, and often we will be taken off course because of it. Satan, as the enemy of our souls, tries to trip us up and take our focus off of our Savior. He wants us to feel discouraged or become busy with temporary things so that we want to give up this race we are running.

If you are hiking or running a trail, you will likely have obstacles and interruptions along the way. Rocks under your feet, a desire for a shortcut, or even the scenery can cause you to veer off the marked trail. In your own life, perhaps it’s discouragement, criticism from others, or overwhelming temptation that makes you take your eyes off of Christ.

Be encouraged today to look to Jesus, the One who has given you salvation and everything you need to live a godly life (see 2 Peter 1:3). Do not grow weary in the task He has given you and the place He has called you. You can stay the course, knowing that He will faithfully see you through.

Insight: Father, thank You that You know my struggles. Help me to fix my gaze on You and run the race that You have given me. Amen

Day 5 Your Sole Purpose Psalm 19:1-11

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2

If you drive far enough away from city lights and traffic to spend a night under the stars, you’ll bear witness to what David described in Psalm 19 when he himself was in the wilderness. How amazing that God built into the universe elements that serve one purpose: to bring Him glory. “We live in a world that’s brimming over with the presence of God. All of creation is preaching a sermon all the time” (Andrew Peterson, 2020). The Milky Way, the Grand Canyon, a field of sunflowers, a hummingbird… these all speak loudly of God’s greatness by simply existing and doing what they were made to do.

The goal of your life is the same. You don’t need to search endlessly for your “calling” or purpose. Whatever your occupation, age, or abilities, you can bring Him glory as you seek to know Him and make Him known.

Whether you are working in an office, studying in a library, or cleaning up after messy toddlers, your life can reflect the goodness and creativity of God. Each day you worship Him in your actions and attitudes.

Insight: Pay attention to God’s creation around you. Slowing down often helps us recognize His creativity. Give praise to Him for what you see.

Day 6 In His Steps Hebrews 4:14-16

“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

If you are backpacking at high altitudes during certain times of the year, there is a good chance you’ll be trekking through deep snow. And if you happen to be hiking in a group, it’s helpful to step in the footprints of the person who is right in front of you. The going is a lot easier and safer. Not knowing what is beneath the snow causes a real risk as you hike along these trails. Obstacles like tree stumps could be under the snowfall, risking injury to someone in your group. Follow the path of the one leading the way.

Christ has set an example for us not only in His love but also in purity, servanthood, and humility. We have a Savior whose steps we can follow in, One who understands our human weakness (Hebrews 4:15). Because He lived a life without sin, we know His steps are sure. He has also given us brothers and sisters in Christ to show us the way and to lend encouragement (1 Corinthians 11:1).

We won’t achieve perfection on this earth, but we can point each other to Christ and make the trek together!

Insight: Lord, help me to be a reflection of You in all I do. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and use me for Your glory. Amen

Day 7 Not What I Signed Up For Lamentations 3:22-24

“Therefore, we do not lose heart…. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

Often, we want the fun experience without all the difficulties. People love the idea of sleeping under the stars alongside their best friends and getting an Instagram-worthy picture on top of a mountain. But they’d rather skip the arduous climbs, the pouring rain, the annoying insects, and the campfire meals that don’t turn out well. This wasn’t what they pictured when they envisioned their outdoor adventure!

Our lives as Christ followers may not be what we first envisioned either. We may even experience more suffering and hardship than those who choose to not obey Him. But we must realize that Jesus never promised an easy journey. Rather, we hold to the fact that the Lord loves us deeply, and His compassions never fail. His faithfulness is new to us with each rising sun. He will give us what we need daily, no matter the difficulty.

Not only does Jesus give help in the present, but also He is our hope for the future. And that makes everything in this world, including our current trials, seem small by comparison.

Insight: Lord, give us an eternal perspective for the current challenges we face. We know You waste nothing and can redeem anything. Amen

Day 8 Breakthrough Ephesians 2:1-7; Romans 5:8

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive in Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5

Have you ever witnessed the sun suddenly bursting through the clouds and glowing brightly on what had been a dark, dreary day? Or have you been in an intense rainstorm when the rain stops abruptly and sunbeams sneak through? There’s a scientific name for these magnificent, exquisite rays of light: crepuscular rays. They’re created when the sun shines through gaps in clouds through an atmosphere that may contain dust or haze.

This sight in creation is picture-worthy as the light and the dark starkly contrast each other. What a beautiful image of how God breaks through our darkness to rescue us! We were in the shadow of sin—didn’t even realize how lost we were. Yet He burst through to come to us when we were at our worst.

The Bible says we were actually “dead in our transgressions.” Dead people can do nothing. They cannot prove their goodness or that they are worthy of another chance. Only God, bursting through in His mighty power and love, can bring spiritually dead people to life and seat us right next to Christ!

Insight: Lord, thank You for saving me when I had no other hope. I praise You for doing what no one else could do. Amen

Day 9 Along With Titus 2:1-8

“Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22

The Christian life is not meant to be lived alone. In fact, you and I are actually commanded to make disciples and walk alongside other believers. How do we do that? Our Christian culture may have over-complicated this with well-meaning books, classes, and strategies. It’s simply walking with God “along with” others in mutual friendship and encouragement.

When new participants attend one of our organization’s outdoor expeditions, they first must learn basic outdoor skills. We follow a simple acronym, MAWL: model, assist, watch, and leave. In some ways this is a picture of how it is in our walk of faith, too. New believers need to see what it looks like to pursue God. They may need your assistance. As they grow in maturity, they will begin to teach others also, and you’ll watch and encourage them.

We often excuse ourselves from this command because we haven’t been “discipled” ourselves by another believer. Friend, you have all you need because you have the Holy Spirit in your heart and the Word of God in your hands.

Insight: If you don’t currently have someone in your life alongside of you as a believer, pray that God would show you who that should be!

Day 10 Trail Buddy Romans 12:4-5

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

No matter how advanced a backpacker or hiker you are, our outdoor adventure organization advises hikers to never venture out alone onto the trails. It’s a good principle to have in mind for other parts of life, too.

God has purposefully created us for relationship, with Himself and with others. His Church thrives when believers are serving and loving each other in unity. He has also designed you with specific gifts and skills to serve the church and encourage other believers (Romans 12:4-5). Are you living in close community with other believers? This goes beyond church attendance and involves getting to know others.

We often wait for someone else to initiate or invite us to join. But what if you took the first step? It can be as simple as taking a friend out for coffee or having another family over for a meal. Be intentional with your conversation and pray for each other.

You may be surprised to find out how that person was perfectly chosen by God to sharpen you, encourage you, humble you, and join you on life’s path.

Insight: Ask God to show you who this community (or person) is for you. Pray for Him to show you how to take the next step.

Day 11 Follow the Map Proverbs 6:23; Job 29:3

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

When you trek through unfamiliar wilderness, you may be walking through rough terrain with no obvious, marked-out trail. You may even be navigating through complete darkness if you are night hiking. It is essential to have a reliable GPS or topographical map. You’ll need a good headlamp to help you find your way and see danger in the dark.

We often wish God would show us the entire path all at once so we can see exactly where we are going. Psalm 119:105 says His Word is like a lamp to our feet. It’s not making a comparison to a floodlight or a stadium light. This lamp is small enough and just bright enough to illuminate the path ahead of you one step at a time.

Operating like this requires a deep trust in God and certainty that He knows the way while we do not. He knows how to prepare us for the future. We might, in fact, turn around and run in fear if we were actually able to see the entire path. But you can take heart today that He will show you what to do and where to go, one well-lit step at a time.

Insight: God, You are the One who knows and sees everything. Help me to trust Your love even when I can’t see the next step. Amen

Day 12 True Rest Ephesians 2:14; Psalm 16:11

“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.” Psalm 57:1

One of my favorite places to explore is the Palo Duro Canyon near my home in Texas. Although I have been there many times, there are plenty of spots I have yet to discover in this expansive area. A bit off the beaten path, I’ve even encountered a few small caves throughout the canyon.

Those caves remind me of how David in the Bible sought refuge in caves many times during the nearly ten years that he was on the run from King Saul. His psalms often express all that God taught him during those very difficult and lonely times. David declares in Psalm 57 that God is his true refuge, his place to hide, to rest, to breathe… like you might find in a cool, sheltering cave.

Our culture offers us many counterfeit versions of true rest and peace which do not meet our soul’s greatest need. A resort vacation, a shopping trip, an hour in front of the television, or a spa experience may all seem like promising solutions to our weariness and stress. But only in His presence do we find true and lasting peace, rest, and joy.

Insight: Looking for a “quick fix” for stress or loneliness? Ask God to give you a desire for His Word which truly refreshes the spirit.

Day 13 Tensile Strength John 15:7-8; 2 Corinthians 12:9

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

While hiking once in the White Mountain Wilderness in New Mexico, I noticed a large tree leaning greatly to one side. You’d think it would fall over. But it had withstood pressure from the elements and was still thriving and bearing fruit. This was possible because it had deep roots and a tensile strength that was enough to withstand the strain.

“Tensile strength” has to do with the maximum load a material can support without fracture while being stretched. As believers, the Holy Spirit enables us to grow in a tensile-like strength, not of our own power, but of His. The world’s wisdom tells us to rise up through our own means to take charge of our life. It tells us to look within ourselves to be strong. But our human tensile strength will not hold up when the crushing burdens of life are too great.

As we abide in Christ and His Word, we bear spiritual fruit. When we give our weaknesses to Him and rise up in His strength, we find we are held fast even though the stresses and trials of this life weigh heavily on us.

Insight: “The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.” (Elisabeth Elliot, 1995)

Day 14 Living Water John 4:4-15; Isaiah 58:11

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” John 4:13-14

Water is essential to life, and it certainly is not taken for granted when you are camping in a remote wilderness area. You’ll need clean water for personal hydration, cooking, and washing. After a long trek in the hot sun, nothing refreshes a parched throat like cool water.

God created our hearts with a similar thirst that can be satisfied only in Him. Jesus told the Samaritan woman that what He offered would satisfy the deepest needs of her soul for eternity. Nothing else in this world will give us what Jesus gives. Not only is He the One who gives us eternal life, but He will continue to satisfy you day after day.

As Christians, it is still tempting to look to our earthly relationships, successes, and possessions to bring a sense of fulfillment. We must remember to look to our Savior on a daily basis to quench our thirst for love, affirmation, and accomplishment. Psalm 63:1 says that our entire being literally longs for relationship with God. Thanks be to God that this is now possible because of Jesus Christ!

Insight: Allow the Lord to satisfy the deepest needs of your soul. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper, 1986)

Day 15 Sure and Steady Hebrews 6:16-20

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19

As our group made camp for the night, we were careful about how we pitched our tents, knowing that the weather forecast was for high winds and thunderstorms. The spots we chose could be the difference between staying sheltered through the storm and wrestling with a collapsed or flooded tent in the middle of the night.

We made sure to anchor our tents into the ground for stability. It’s tempting to not do this after a long day of hiking and navigating; it feels like a measure you could skip when you simply want to lay down and rest.

As believers, it can be easy to not do the spiritual exercise of digging deep into God’s Word which keeps us rooted in truth on a daily basis. The true test of an anchor is when strong elements come against it and threaten to remove it. Similarly, it will be the trials and sufferings of life that will show the type of “anchor” we have.

When 40 mph winds came through the campsite that night, we were thankful our tents were staked in deep. Set yourself deep in your anchor, Jesus, and His Word.

Insight: Ask God to give you a desire to read the Bible every day. That’s a prayer He loves to answer!

Day 16 Plant, Water, and Harvest 1 Corinthians 3:5-9; James 5:7

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

As we explore outside and enjoy the gift of nature’s beauty all around us, we remember that none of this sprung up overnight. Most of the grand views and majestic forest growth and breathtaking living things went through quite a process to be what we now behold.

Throughout the Bible, God uses the metaphor of planting and growing to describe the process of change in people as well. As we seek to plant “seeds” of love and truth in the hearts of others, we never know what flourishing the Holy Spirit may bring about with our small efforts.

We can serve and love people knowing that it doesn’t depend on our ability and skill because God is the one who will ultimately give the growth. We can leave the result or “fruit” up to Him. Our job is to be obedient in what He tells us to speak and do. He will take care of the rest.

It takes even a fast-growing tree about ten years to reach 25 feet in height. God designed His creation this way for a reason. He will yield spiritual fruit in you, too, in His good and perfect timing.

Insight: God, thank You that the results of ministry do not depend on me. Help me to speak truth to those You’ve put in my life. Amen

Day 17 One Day at a Time Matthew 6:25-34

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26

I am by nature a planner. To make the most efficient use of my time, I don’t want to plan just the day. I want to plan the next week, the coming month, the whole year…you get the picture! I want to make sure that the resources are lined up for our family. That often leads to much calculating and figuring out how to save enough or make finances stretch far enough.

It’s humbling to look at God’s creation and see that the flowers do nothing to provide for themselves, and yet He clothes them wondrously. The birds don’t know one day from the next, but God cares for them. Friend, you are so dear to your heavenly Father that He takes great joy in providing for your needs, too.

Jesus intentionally taught us to pray, “give us today our daily bread” in Matthew 6. Not only do we not know what tomorrow holds, but we are not even guaranteed a tomorrow. God knows the numbers of our days (see Psalm 139:16). I can wisely use my planner, I can budget my resources. But ultimately I look to the One who is in control of it all.

Insight: Bring your specific needs before God before sharing about it with anyone else. See how He provides beyond what you had imagined!

Day 18 Death to Life John 12:24-35; Galatians 2:19-20

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24

From a post-modern view of the world, God’s kingdom looks upside down. Our culture is always seeking ways for us to cheat death, to avoid it at all costs, and to “live it up” because we only live once. Jesus teaches a different way for us to truly have life.

When we become followers of Jesus, we die to our sin and are raised in newness of life with Christ. We can choose to follow Paul’s example to “die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31) and crucify our flesh. With this spiritual death comes new life so that it is Christ who lives in us (Galatians 2:20). In fact, this is the only way to be fruitful in the kingdom of God.

This reality is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because He paid the price for our sin at the cross, we really do have the gift of eternal life! Because our salvation is not of the world, the world cannot take it away from us. As Christians we live with enduring, undying joy that cannot be moved with the ebbs and flows of the culture or by the changing of our circumstances.

Insight: Praise God for this life that is now yours in Christ! Ask Him to help you, by the Holy Spirit, die to yourself daily.

Day 19 For the Nations Psalm 96

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3

National parks and monuments bring together people from different nations, languages, and walks of life. Every time I visit one of our larger national parks, I meet at least one person who is not from the United States, and I often hear multiple languages being spoken around me.

God’s heart is for all the nations to glorify Him. He is worthy of adoration from every tribe, tongue, and people. How fitting that His own creation—the heavens, the seas, the fields, the forests (see v. 11-12)—would draw the peoples of the earth to marvel at it and even try to capture it in pictures on their IPhones!

God has revealed Himself to the most unreached and remote people on the planet through His creation (Romans 1:19-20), but we get the privilege of telling the nations about Him with our mouths. Equipped with the power of His Holy Spirit, you don’t have to travel on a plane across time zones to do this (although He may ask you to!). He has brought the nations to you so that you can declare His glory and marvelous deeds to them.

Insight: Lord, let Your love and goodness be known around the world. Use Your creation, use our technology, use me to declare Your wonders. Amen