Private Expedition: Witte Family Ouachita Trail (Section 1) Oklahoma/Arkansas, May 27-30, 2022

The adventure was a masala of experiences; of memories; and of personalities. A masala is a mixture of individual spices and fragrances that combine to make a creation different from the individual ingredients it is made up of. The masala of experience took us from the depths to the heights literally, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Valleys, rivers, forest with its green canopy overhead, breathtaking views, and nature with all its sights and sounds combined to stir up an awe of God’s creation that is difficult to put into words. There was a masala of personalities. Each person on the trip with his unique gifting and humor added to the whole to create an awesome team-again, a masala. Each at times encouraged others and at other times needed encouragement. And humor-oh my, there was that. There was also a masala of emotions-laughter, an aweness-I made that word up-quiet reflection, gratefulness, challenge, fatigue, questioning-can I do this?-and joy. All these individual ingredients came together to create a masala of memories that I savor and treasure - Linda Witte. (Photo Credits to Seve Stowers).